My Insta Account

The Digital Mahiwal
4 min readMay 6, 2021

When I first started this account, I really didn’t know what I was doing. Mind you I haven’t been on social media for a very long time.

If you were to ask me what my favourite social media platform was, I would say “myspace” or “hi5” which people would never get. Or ask you the dreaded question “what’s that?”

I’ve found my purpose for this account.

To leave positive content for the Ummah when I’m gone. I don’t expect everyone to relate to my content, but there was a time in this one live which was so wicked.

It was Mooch, Kedan, Refugee, I think Saqib. We were all talking about the video games we used to play from Atari, Commodore, Amiga, NES, SNES, SEGA… that was a proper chat. Lots of bants and laughs, good times.

These are the type of lads I write for, those who can appreciate retro content in an era we grew up in, and maybe a bit of my own words of wisdom.

So going forward, besides my longer blogs on my medium. This account will be the beacon for three unique pieces of content.

Monday: #BinTheKnife this was inspired by an on-going campaign in the North, but it was also the violence during Ramadan that shook me.

We have had enough, at least I certainly have.

While I may not have street credentials, there are plenty of brothers and sisters who have overcome some obstacles in their life. So I hope this piece of content inspires Young People in the UK.

Wednesday: #MeetARevert after my divorce, I wanted to start over, move to a town where no one knew me. When it came to Ramadan, I always kept my eyes out for Reverts in the Masjid, you have to look at a revert’s mind like a child.

So innocent, they have returned to the Ummah, you have an opportunity to be a friendly face in their journey. I loved hearing their stories, feeling bad about their struggles within the community and with their own families and hearing their milestones.

That is a blessing from Allah (SWT) so I would like to capture the revert stories on the gram, so the Ummah on here can get to know them.

Let’s try to put our best foot forward and represent our religion to the best of our ability, not just for reverts but for all of humanity.

Friday: #MosqueAroundTheWorld something I started last Ramadan where I picked a place, found a local mosque, did a bit of research and wrote a micro blog about it.

Thank you to new followers, the likes and comments. I’m not here to get clout, I only log in a few times a day so if you don’t hear back from me, I will get back to you when I can.

I think those of us who have honest and good intentions, we can indirectly build a collaborative, with no leaders, no judges, no juries. Just each other, giving each other shoutouts and pointing each other to things we are interested in.

That was the original school of thought around social media, from the books I’ve read. Taking an offline community and growing it online and taking an online community and taking it offline.

Community is such a powerful thing, we remember Adil Ray making fun of the “community leaders” in our community, but in hindsight, I know a couple of them like that. I’m sure you do too.

Arrogant, full of themselves, and pardon the pun but literally get a “hard on” whenever they see their name in print. Just the arrogant bastards, if it doesn’t suit their agenda, they don’t want to know about it.

You take knife crime in the UK for example, how long have we been witnessing it? I can go back the last 15 years or so, I’m sure others could go back further. But if you try to talk to one of those “Mr. Khan” elders, all you get back my brothers and sisters is crickets.

That’s why I applaud Imams like Asim Hussein in Bradford, who is not tip toeing around the tapping, but taking the violence in our communities seriously. And not just talking to the youth but LISTENING to the youth.

See…you have to LISTEN to them. Which often gets overlooked in our community.

Because you know what? Someone has to, if no one does.

The next generation is doomed, and everything our parents and grandparents sacrificed to come to the UK, will all be in vain. That makes me so pissed off and angry.

While this account was originally made for a geezer like myself who was just getting used to working from home, spending Ramadan without being in the Masjid or with his family, and a place where I can just blow off some steam of everything that is either RIGHT or WRONG in this world. Since I’m not a writer, this is a nice outlet for me.

Now it has a purpose, positive content, but not in a cheesy way. But my way, the Bantz Mahiwal way.

You are all in my duas, hove lots of bants, have lots of fun — just don’t be a cunt and we will get on fine.



The Digital Mahiwal

Quintessential British Muslim Lad spreading common sense and halal bantz. IG: @TheDigitalMahiwal