When you should take a break from the Gram or Social

The Digital Mahiwal
3 min readMay 8, 2021

I don’t want to embarrass this brother, but I can’t begin to tell you how happy I am that things are going so well for him. I look at him as one of my younger brothers, while we didn’t talk all the time, one of the nice things about Insta, you do come across some real nice people from the Ummah.

One of my other objectives is to support the Ummah and whatever businesses you may have. I may ask you tough questions, simply because I want to make sure your plan is foolproof. If you can’t defend your product to a naysayer, I can’t put my integrity on the line. It may be a small account, but I have crafted it in a way that I bring in people who I want to engage with, and those who will engage with your products.

But this one particular brother he’s planning on launching a youtube channel showcasing his passion.

The reason why I’m so excited about this project, when I started this account, I was in a bit of a shit place. We had no idea what was going on with this pandemic, and still things seem out of sorts.

This guy, whenever he got on insta-live, he would always make me laugh. I don’t think he had to try hard, just his snarky comments and that northern dry wit. My brother, I know you’re reading this and I can’t wait to help promote it, it’s almost my way of saying “thank you” for all those laughs you gave me at the beginning of the pandemic.


I was in two minds about this.

But fuck it.

I’m a transparent and nice lad for the most part. I live a lowkey life, have some bants on here, chat with my favourite people, watch a few lives and fuck off. Instagram isn’t life and life isn’t instagram.

The second people on the gram are affecting your life, that’s when you know to take a step back. It sounds “scary” but trust me, it’s very easy to live without social media. Once you’re content in your life, everything falls into place.

Get yourself in this frame of mind, these people on the Gram yeah? They don’t pay your mortgage, rent or bills — why should you let them affect your life?

You shouldn’t lose sleep over them

You shouldn’t give them a platform, whether you want to air dirty laundry or bait them on live. You may think you’re doing yourself a favour by “taking down” this person, but subsequently you’re making yourself look a twat, it speaks volumes about yourself. No one likes a snitch, you could be seen as a potential snitch if you keep on baiting.

Participate in any of the He Said/She Said crap, some people must be ultimately bored if they are worrying about what someone said about them in their live. You can’t take people’s word anymore, kasme has lost its way and you know what — it’s the GRAM. Allow it. All you have to do is SIGN OFF. And all is right in the world again.

Look at it this way, it takes your “aggressors” a few minutes to create a new name on the gram? It takes you what? Less than a second to block them. And you sign off, they will keep barking like the dogs they are, while you enjoy your life. I think that’s the ultimate right slap move. You don’t need any theatrics or drama, just shut them up that way.

There’s only three people on the gram I genuinely don’t like and won’t entertain. Let them carry on squeaking like the gutter rats they are. They know who they are, I have told them. I have blocked them. The end.



The Digital Mahiwal

Quintessential British Muslim Lad spreading common sense and halal bantz. IG: @TheDigitalMahiwal